July 13, 2018Our hero Nick welcomes out his friend (MadLab Theater, Amanda’s Picture Show A-Go-Go) where they talk about the comedy film TAG. And prolly some other stuff. But mostly TAG. What did they think? What was the other stuff they talk about? Find out in the latest episode of…
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Show Notes
TAG – about 15:00 mins or so
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Show Credits
Our theme song is by the amazing ChipTune Artist Hide Your Tigers! You can check out their music by going to http://hideyourtigers.bandcamp.com/
Our show receives assistance editing wise from the amazing crew at Podcasting Press. Have a podcast yourself and need some help editing when times are tough? Go to http://www.podcastingpress.com/ and see what they can do for you.
Our closing is an arrangement from Futurama’s The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings by our own Nathan Haley.
Also, because you asked… said final-song is then followed by a clip from the classic 90’s WB cartoon Freakazoid!, where-as the hero Freakazoid is yelling at Jeepers for trying to show him something strange and mystical. Speaking of Freakazoid!, check out Paul Rugg’s website. It’s neato like a tub of good things.
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